the benfits of castor oil

Let’s look at all the different ways that castor oil is used topically and why it is so beneficial!
Castor oil supports good digestion as it is extremely anti-inflammatory. It allows the body to enter that flow sense of relaxation and help you fall into a para sympathetic state which is most optimal for digestion. It is researched to be able to target smooth muscles. The intestines and the uterus are actually the only two places in the body that have smooth muscles The oil stimulates prostaglandin E3 receptors which regulates smooth muscle contraction .. This translates to good bowel movements and improved elimination.
Castor Is also full of antioxidants like omega -3’s, omega 6, omega 9 and also supports the release of glutathione produced in the liver. This is crucial for good absorption of nutrients and immune support. Because of the powerful stimulating ability of this oil to produce nitric oxide, which brings circulation to stagnant areas in the body, it can be great for men suffering with erectile dysfunction.
Oxytocin, the love and connection molecule is also improved with castor oil. It helps to address tension and stress when we are juggling too many things. When we place the castor oil on our skin it stimulates the receptors targeting the nervous system and can switch your body from a hassled and frazzled state to a calmer and more relaxed one. Just placing the oil on your body will stimulate dopamine production and more feeling good hormones . This can make all the difference in how you sleep.
Skin irritants are another way that castor oil can be very helpful. Mixing the oil with a bit of baking soda is fantastic for baby diaper rash . It works very well for eczema issues and also hair growth !! You can try it on your eyebrows, eye lashes and to the hair. Again, it is the nitric oxide that provides circulation and feeds and nourishes the hair follicles.
It is best to stay away from plastic bottles and purchase organic only. It must be pure and natural and in a dark glass bottle. There are castor oil packs that I strongly recommend getting so that you have the instructions on how to apply the oil and help it stay in place on your skin with the cloth. The oil is a bit sticky, but you must avoid using plastic wrap for it to hold in place . The cloth packs that are available are very comfortable and will allow you to get the best results.
I truly love castor oil for all the opportunities it offers to support digestion, absorption, elimination, and inflammation in your body. It is truly your all-in-one staple product that should be in your home.
The post the benfits of castor oil appeared first on Total Gym Pulse.