Hot Mic Catches MLB Manager Cursing Out Ump After Ejection


Yankees manager Aaron Boone was ejected from Wednesday’s game against the Toronto Blue Jays after being caught on a hot mic chewing out an umpire.

The infamously testy manager laid into umpire Lance Barrett during the second inning for arguing balls and strikes for the Jays. Barrett summarily tossed Boone from the game, giving him his seventh ejection of the season. That incensed Boone further, and so he made his way to the field to confront Barrett in person.

Boone’s mic picked up the fiery confrontation.

“I know you have the biggest zone in the league. You must fucking know it, too,” Boone screams, while Barrett stands straight-faced. “The ball is that fucking close! That is worse than the one you just called over there. Just so you fucking know it, ok? You must! Do you know it?! Do you think that’s a strike?”

At this point, the sound was partially dropped from Boone’s mic. Barrett says something that’s not picked up in the audio, as Boone crosses his arms before replying: “If I’m wrong, I’m out and I take it!” He then tells the umpire he tried to get his attention from the dugout before the play was called, but Barrett says something that incites more fury.

“All these [unintelligible] I’ve yelled at have been walking back. I promise you,” Boone said. “He’s having a helluva night. I know you have the biggest zone in the league, you must know it, too. Tighten that shit up. That shit is fucking bad. That last pitch was not fucking close!” Boone then storms off the field while Barrett heads back to the game.

Boone now ties with David Bell of the Cincinnati Reds for the most ejections in a season for major league managers. During his six seasons with the Yankees, Boone has been tossed from 33 games. His team lost Wednesday’s game to the Jays 6–1.

Only on-field mic audio from Aaron Boone’s ejection:#RepBX

— {CJN} Ethan (@eb1302_) September 21, 2023

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