Adam Driver Reveals the ‘Star Wars’ Scene He’ll Never Live Down


Adam Driver revealed to Chris Wallace the one Star Wars scene fans will never let him forget. The actor was appearing on Wallace’s Max show Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace? Driver starred as a young Kylo Ren, better known as Darth Vader, in the most recent sequel trilogy—The Force Awakens (2015), The Last Jedi (2017), and Rise of Skywalker (2019).

Out of all the memorable moments the trilogy afforded Driver, it’s a scene in Force Awakens that lives long in the minds of fans. At the climax of that film, Kylo Ren turns on Han Solo (Harrison Ford), who also happens to be his father in the narrative, and kills the legendary character.

“Somebody reminds me about that every day,” Driver reported to Wallace. When the journalist asked if the actor was serious, Driver clarified: “Not every day, but yeah. It used to be more. But now it’s probably once a month someone will let me know that I killed Han Solo.”

Driver remarked that the scene was not necessarily “tough” to accomplish, but confirmed that there was a different energy on the set that day. It was “very emotional shooting it with Harrison,” the actor recalled.

“Harrison was so generous and contemplative,” Driver went on, “and to me that was a great moment on set, even though it was his death.”

The moment is an integral one for Kylo Ren, as Han Solo’s murder ultimately leads him to fully embrace his dark side in later sequels. Nonetheless, Driver was terrified of how fans would react to the scene. He recalled to GQ in 2017 that he felt “sick to my stomach” as he watched the film with an audience.

“I was holding my wife’s hand, and she’s like, ‘You’re really cold. Are you OK?’ Because I just knew what was coming—I kill Harrison—and I didn’t know how this audience of 2,000 people was going to respond to it, you know?”

Driver can be seen next as the title character in Michael Mann’s divisive biopic Ferrari, which hits theaters on Christmas Day.

NEW interview clip: Adam Driver with Chris Wallace on Star Wars & filming the Death of Han Solo in TFA “It was so emotional shooting it with Harrison, Harrison was so generous and contemplative”

— Adam Driver Central (@adamdrivercentl) November 30, 2023

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