Jimmy Fallon’s Morning Routine Includes Checking This Important Health Stat

Late-night host Jimmy Fallon might not talk about it on The Tonight Show, but he takes his health very seriously—especially in the mornings. In a new interview with The Wall Street Journal, Fallon outlined his step-by-step morning routine from the moment he wakes up, as well as the different ways he takes care of his health throughout the day. 

“I’ve been waking up at 6 [a.m.], which is a new thing for me,” he shared. “I have one of those sunrise alarm clocks that’s like a gradual fake sunrise. It slowly gets brighter and brighter as you wake up, and eventually it’s like a police officer shining a flashlight in your face.” 

While he wakes up in a healthy way without any screen time, it usually doesn’t last more than a few seconds after he opens his eyes. “The first thing I do is check my phone—check my emails, make sure I’m not trending on Twitter,” he said. After that, he analyzes his sleep from the night before using his Whoop fitness tracker. “I check my Whoop score that tells me that I had a bad night’s sleep and that I have a rough day ahead,” he said. 

Related: Jimmy Fallon’s 7 Rules for Success

Ensuring we get enough sleep is essential to our health, as sleep deficiency has been linked to a number of health problems over the years like heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, obesity, and depression. Fallon learns about the sleep he gets and is able to adapt and focus on other areas of his health. 

After getting his sleep info, Fallon then turns his focus to the rest of his body. “I put on male Lululemon sweatpants and I go to the treadmill,” he said. “I take my blood pressure, which is what you do when you’re almost 50… Then I’ll put on a podcast and walk [and] jog.”

From waking up and working out early every day to filming a talk show airing every night, Fallon’s days are clearly packed from beginning to end. 

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