Best SARM alternatives


SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) have been on the market for some while, being used in place of Anabolic Steroids.

While these were originally created for muscle wasting diseases, individuals found that using these in place of an Anabolic Steroid will still result in muscle gain, promote fat loss, and will also not suppress Testosterone levels.

While the Anabolic effects of these are good, the side effects are undetermined.

SARMs could not be safe for human consumption at all, and so people will naturally look at a legal alternative that will still have Testosterone boosting properties.

🙂 Best for Individuals looking to gain muscle, lose fat and gain fitness knowledge
đź’Š Product types Steroid & SARM Alternatives
💰 Pricing $79.99 – $399.95
🏢 Company

What Is The Best SARM Alternative?

To choose the best SARM Alternatives, you would need to look at how these products were designed to work. These will most likely be dietary supplements that have substantial evidence behind them that show they can help you gain muscle mass, increase protein synthesis, help with fat loss, and potentially increase natural growth hormone.

Watching out for “pixie dusting” is also important as some companies in the health and fitness industry will promote a product that have substantial ability to increase muscle mass, but in reality it does not have enough of the key ingredient to actually increase muscle cells.

Lastly is to just do your own research. Massive claims are usually too good to be true, so if a product is advertised as giving you “Exactly the same results as SARMs” it cannot be true.

#1 Supplier

Best SARM Alternative Vendor – Brutal Force

If you haven’t heard by now, SARMs have never been cleared for human consumption. Thus, a company like Brutal Force steps up with one goal. To provide a legal alternative to SARMs and Anabolic Steroids that could act as Natural Steroids, with Natural Ingredients, that can still help you gain lean mass and lower fat cells without adverse effects.

Based in the United Kingdom, these Brits were on the war path to generate muscle tissue without completely destroying natural Testosterone levels. They pride themselves on selling products that can help build muscle, but without the side effects of a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, or a Steroid.
Their products are Natural, filled with Natural Ingredients, and will not lead to lower Testosterone Levels or Testosterone Production.

Full Brutal Force Review


  • Perfectly Legal alternative
  • Specific Blends for Muscle Gains or Fat Burning
  • Exceptional Customer Care


  • Not as strong as SARMs
  • Some Products are Under dosed
  • Some Ingredients have limited Science Backing

Best Alternative

Best Alternative to Ostarine MK 2866

Ostarine MK 2866 is quite a popular SARM amongst those looking to increase muscle mass, increasing muscle recovery, and even increase endurance. To form an alternative to this is no easy task, and

OSTABULK is the warrior Brutal Force sends into battle.
With promises of increasing lean mass and muscular endurance, the prime ingredients in OSTABULK are D Aspartic Acid and Fenugreek.
D Aspartic Acid has limited evidence to suggest it can aid in training, in fact a study in 2013 found that compared to placebo, there was no positive effect from DAA [1].


  • Legal Supplement
  • Added Bioperine for increased Bioavailability
  • Safer than Ostarine


  • Ingredients are not dosed high enough
  • Some ingredients have little scientific backing
  • Not as strong as Ostarine

Best Alternative

Best Alternative to Testolone RAD 140

Testolone (or RAD 140) is a SARM that is profound, having the ability to increase lean muscle mass whilst also accelerating burning fat. An alternative to this would be RADBULK.

RADBULK is another great legal alternative that contains Wild Yam Root Powder and Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) and promises to increase muscle fibers at a rapid pace, while making you extremely strong.

When combined with other compounds, DMAE can improve muscular performance 2]. Wild Yam is known to increase insulin sensitivity which can help with muscle tissue gain.


  • Legal Supplement
  • Can increase Insulin Sensitivity
  • Safer than Testolone


  • Ingredients are not dosed high enough
  • Some ingredients have little scientific backing
  • Not as strong as Testolone

Best Alternative

Best Alternative to Myostine YK-11

Myostine YK-11 is a very interesting SARM as it apparently inhibits Myostatin which could lead to a great affinity for building muscle. Having less Myostatin could potentially provide you with limitless muscle gains, but the dangers of having increased organ growth isn’t great. As an alternative, you could look at YKBULK from Brutal Force.
YKBULK aims to give you the similar energy levels and muscle building ability as YK-11 and the main ingredient is Tribulus Terrestris.

This is often found in natural Testosterone boosters, however evidence for its effectivity is quite low [4]. It will however help you become slightly more insulin sensitive [2], which could allow you to eat more food, thus more chance for increasing muscle mass.


  • Legal Supplement
  • Added L-Carnitine can aid in Fat Metabolism
  • Safer than YK-11


  • Ingredients are not dosed high enough
  • Some ingredients have little scientific backing
  • Not as strong as YK-11

Best Alternative

Best Alternative to Andarine S4

Andarine S4 is quite a common Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators for those looking to lean out, whilst minimising muscle wasting, and having sustained energy levels. It can even increase bone density. Unlike S4 that will bind to Androgen Receptors and potentially cause massive side effects, ANDALEAN from Brutal Force aims to provide similar results without breaking the law or your hormones.

The main ingredients are Soy Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Isolate, BCAA’s (Amino Acid) and some elevATP. elevATP is natural combination of ancient peat and apple polyphenols, aimed to increase ATP stores within the body similarly to Creatine. While this product will do little for Testosterone production, it definitely will help when you’re trying to burn fat, but keep some lean body mass as well.


  • Legal Supplement
  • Combines two types of Protein: Whey and Soy Isolate
  • Safer than Andarine


  • Ingredients are not dosed high enough
  • Some ingredients have little scientific backing
  • Not as strong as Andarine

What Are SARM Alternatives?

SARM alternatives are products that were specifically designed for two reasons.

1) SARMs have Side Effects

2) They are illegal for humans to use

SARM alternatives aim to give you similar results by not ticking either of those two. SARM alternatives will have some effect on fat loss, protein synthesis (the ability to build lean muscle tissue) or even increase bone density. They also aim to do this with natural ingredients, and that don’t have adverse effects on the body.

How Do SARM Alternatives Work?

Depending on the individual ingredients, the aim is pretty simple. They want to help you build lean muscle mass, improve your fat loss capabilities, and keep protein synthesis high whilst dieting.

These dietary supplements have certain products in them that can give you these beneficial effects.

  • Vitamin D: Has been shown to increase fat loss capabilities when dieting, and can help you keep hold of lean muscle tissue [5]
  • Nettle Leaf Extract: Has been shown to help with chronic inflammation which can help in your endeavor to lose fat and gaining lean muscle, without having sore muscles [6]

Benefits of SARMs

While alternatives to SARMs are great and they don’t have side effects, the reality is SARMs are just stronger. SARMs were created to replace the Anabolic Steroid that was given to a patient to have similar results, but with less adverse effects.

For instance, where a patient would have been given Anavar for muscle wasting, they now would receive Ostarine MK 2866. This would lead to similar results, but without any of the Androgenic Side effects associated with the Steroid.

Onto the super physiological side, SARMs can help you burn fat, help with muscle growth, increase growth hormone, increase bone density, and even help with muscular endurance.

The typical athlete can expect to see a great increase in performance once SARMs have been administered.

Are SARM Alternatives Legal?

Absolutely. The products provided by Brutal Force are 100% legal. They aim to provide legal alternatives to Steroids, SARMs and exogenous Growth Hormone. SARMs can only be purchased as “Not for Human Use” or “For Research Purposes Only”, as they were never approved for human consumption.

Best Natural Alternatives To SARMs

Depending on what your goals are, you’re going to be looking at a natural product formulated from natural ingredients. There are a few ones on the market you can look at:

1) ZMA

ZMA is a Natural Compound comprised of Zinc, Magnesium and VitaminB6 and could help with building muscle, improve muscle strength, and won’t give you the side effects associated with Anabolic Steroids. You can find some at PureRawz.

2) Turkesterone

Turkesterone is a Natural Steroid that can help improve muscle mass, and potentially improve growth hormone levels. All similarly to how Anabolic Steroids to it, but without any of the horrible side effects. You can find some at Double Wood Supplements.

What is the Safest Form of SARMs

Safety is a general term as you can’ measure safety. If you’re talking about the SARMs with the least amount of side effects but can still increase lean muscle growth. You probably will find most benefit from Cardarine or Ligandrol. Both will still bind to the Androgen Receptors, and will thus increase lean muscle, help lower body fat, and substantially improve muscle strength.

Best SARM Online Store

Depending on where you are located, the best in my opinion would be Chemyo. They not only have a great and wide variety of products, they are cost effective, and have great reviews. Their payment options are decent, and jumping onto Reddit, you’ll see plenty of individuals praising them for quality and service. They also provide Nootropics if you are so inclined.

Best SARMs for Beginners

Beginners are induvial looking for exceptional gains, muscle mass, less body fat and don’t want to pay the price of horrific side effects. Therefor you’re going to look at Cardarine, Ligandrol or even Ostarine. Keep in mind that taking more than one NEW Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator at a time is not wise. If you react badly to one, which is is? Thus is would be wise to start with one product, document your results and reaction, and then only introduce another in your next cycle.

Best SARMs for Women

Women will be weary of using any SARMs that can have hormonal impact, so the best ones to use would be Ostarine and Ligandrol. These have little, if any, Androgenic Side Effects. Women tend to have quite bad side effects with products that are very Androgenic, Ostarine and Ligandrol are not.

Best Brand for SARMs Bodybuilding

Bodybuilders are one a crash course to gain lean muscle mass, keep body fat as low as possible, and become freaks of nature. You could say, they go after with… brutal force. Hah! Bodybuilders will get the most from YK-11 and S23. Both of these are exceptionally strong at what they do, and will without doubt require management whilst on cycle. That being said, the side effects from either of these are still going to be apparent and management of that will have to be on point.

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