Angry Hippo Filmed Taking a Bite Out of a Safari Car


Hippopotamuses aren’t exactly known for being the friendliest creatures in the animal kingdom. They’ll frequently charge victims if they’re looking to fight, or even if they’re just hungry for their next meal. 

One hippo in Botswana could’ve been both. Wildlife photographers Bill and Linda Klipp were visiting the Okavango Delta taking pictures of a hippo at a watering hole when all of a sudden the animal began running toward them. 

“It’s not unusual for elephants and hippos to make false or mock charges, demonstrating who is the boss or to protect their territory,” Bill stated in their YouTube post. “While we were expecting a short mock charge this was not the case, he came rapidly at us through the water and within seconds was out of the water rushing towards our car.”

The driver attempted to reverse the car to get away from the angry animal, but it was no use. 

“He rose up, mouth wide open then clamped down on the front passenger side door, preventing the car from moving and us from escaping,” Bill wrote. “Hippos can open their mouth 150 degrees stretching up to four feet and as he bit down on the front passenger side door multiple times his upper canines started to splinter the wooden frame on the door, while his lower incisors and canines ripped a gash in the door.”

The hippo continued fighting the huge hunk of metal, doing as much damage as possible in just a few seconds. 

“The impact bent and dented the door, fender, windscreen frame, and mirror making the door and windscreen inoperable,” the photographer recounted. “After the hippo’s third bite on the door he finally let go and backed off, retreating towards the water as we zoomed away in reverse.”

Bill was seated less than five feet away from the spot where the hippo chomped down, but luckily, the car is the only thing that was hurt in the encounter. Needless to say, it was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence that the wildlife photographer was grateful for. 

“You always hear about how powerful a hippo can be, but one really doesn’t have a clue until a 7,000–10,000-pound animal crashes into and attacks your car,” he admitted. “What an exhilarating event to experience, and we are thankful to be around to share.”

Consider this a more realistic version of Hungry Hungry Hippos. 

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