Are Female Bodybuilders More Concupiscent ? (NSFW)



There are some questions individuals ask about a woman who pushes her body to the physical maximum. Female bodybuilders increase muscle mass including strength through rigorous athletic training and diet. Exercise does change the body. Intense training can increase physical fitness capacity. More still must be learned about women’s physical capabilities. Sex and sexual behavior of women needs to be explored as well. A certain level of ignorance surrounds sexology and the process of copulation. The sexual revolution broke down certain taboos related to discussion. Sex education is offered in public schools, but some resist teaching this to children . The only knowledge they might get of it could come from a biology course when they attend a university. Knowing about sex is important to health and an understanding of biology. This becomes pivotal when making public health policy related to contraception, abortion, and reproductive rights. Also being knowledgeable about the human body makes it easier to combat biological sexism. This can negatively impact women in medicine and sports science. There are some misconceptions about what happens to a woman’s body from bodybuilding . Certain questions are too comedic to be taken seriously :

“are female bodybuilders hornier than normal females ? “

Quora member

The sex bias is clear in the question. The way it is phrased is that some how female bodybuilders are abnormal. There really is nothing abnormal about a woman being muscular. Then it assumes women’s libido is naturally lower. For a longtime, women were forced to hide their urges based on cultural mores. Attempts were made to challenge this. The free love movement in the late 19th century challenged cultural sexual restrictions. This predated the sexual liberation in the 1960s.

Liberal societies now tolerate premarital sex and having it done for pleasure. Social and religious conservatism objects to this. Women have gained more sexual freedom in some parts of the world, but prejudices still remain. Society still has a problem with women having sexual desire or sexual expression.

The female bodybuilder is not a biological anomaly. Each woman has a different body type. The error is that some assume all women should contain one. The concept of “normal” or “abnormal” does not apply in this case. What could be normal to another person could be abnormal to another. The question assumes that a normal woman would have lower libido. Sex drive can vary among women. Looking at this from a perspective of statistics, data collection would be required to make such general statements. Alfred Kinsey did this in the 1940s and 1950s when he was examining the sexual behavior of Americans. Done through surveys and interviews Kinsey was able to a view of sex practices among men and women.

Research on female bodybuilders and sexology has not been conducted. It is unknown if their sexual behavior is any different.

A sample size would have to compare female bodybuilders to non-athletic females. Through survey they could be asked how frequently they engaged in sexual intercourse. Surveys tend to have limitation, related to accuracy from the subjects. Some might embellish their activity or not reveal much. Keeping it as anonymous as possible can fix this problem. The bigger the sample the harder it could be to see a pattern. Doing this study across nations would be even more complicated. Certain cultures could be more conservative in regards to these matters. Then there also could be a divide in relation to sex.

Anyone of these women could have sex drive in different ranges. That can not be determined by appearance.

Men may embellish their sexual activity in comparison to women. Women may be more shy due to a double standard imposed upon them. Traditionally, women were suppose to be modest about their sexual activity. These double standards and restrictions have been discarded with the sexual liberation. There was a time when it was thought that women did not have sexual urges at all. Women do think about sex. It may be more of a stereotype that men are more sexually driven . When applied to the female bodybuilder a mythical image of a huge and horny woman comes to some men’s minds.

Do physically stronger women have higher libido ? The answers is most likely no. Body type does not correlate to sex drive.

The idea is more of a..

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