Bear Caught on Video Breaking Into Home to Steal Oreos


Residents of the Monrovia neighborhood in Los Angeles have somewhat affectionately named a resident brown bear “Oreo” after the apex predator with an apparent sweet tooth broke into multiple homes and cars to steal cookies and cake. But some neighbors are becoming increasingly worried at the bear’s brazenness and lack of fear towards humans.

The bear was seen breaking into one resident’s home over the weekend and exiting through a window with a bag of Oreo cookies in its mouth. Just a week before, the same home had a bear break into a car parked in the driveway—though, it’s unclear whether it was the same bear—and take a package of Oreos out of a bag of groceries.

Vina Khoury, another neighbor in the Canyon Crest Drive cul-de-sac, had a bear break into her garage last summer and steal a chocolate cake. And she seems to think it’s the same culprit that’s been behind the recent spate of break-ins.

“That’s why we named him Oreo,” Khoury told KTLA 5 News. “He’s not just roaming around. He’s actually going into the houses. So now, it’s a very scary thing to leave a window open or your backyard door open or anything.”

“We are very used to them,” Khoury continued. “We’ve never heard of a bear attack here before but still, when they’re too close or when it’s a mama bear with her little ones, you don’t want to be too close to them or scare them because you don’t know when they’re going to charge at you.”

Another resident, Richard Mosteller, said that he sees bears come through the neighborhood every Monday. “They just walk by and beat up the trash cans, look for food and they’re pretty harmless,” he said.

Since the bear has not yet exhibited aggressive behavior, neighbors have yet to make an official report to wildlife officials. However, if the situation escalates, several residents are considering contacting wildlife experts to determine whether or not “Oreo” should be relocated.

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