Best Coffee Alternatives to Get Your Caffeine Fix Without the Crash


Searching for coffee alternatives? We don’t blame you. You don’t need a Tasmanian devil-like personality for a second (or fifth) cup of joe to set you off on a high-octane spinout. While coffee has plenty of health benefits, caffeine constricts blood vessels but surges blood pressure and adrenaline, causing that overstimulated, shaky-Chihuahua sensation, followed by plummeting energy.

Avoid the boomerang by reaching for one of these piping-hot coffee alternatives. They’ll keep you laser-focused without the jitters—and you’ll reap some unique health benefits, too.

Best Coffee Alternatives: Table of Contents

  • Blume
  • Crio Bru
  • Laird Superfood
  • Superbolt Tea

Reach for one of these caffeine alternatives to keep you laser-focused without the jitters—and you’ll reap some unique health benefits.Courtesy Image1. Blume

If you’re matcha-averse because it’s too dang vegetal (mmm, grass in a mug), try Matcha Coconut Blend. Tea leaves grown in Nishio, Japan, are handpicked then stone-ground with organic coconut milk powder and antioxidant-rich moringa leaf powder (7x more vitamin C than oranges, 15x more potassium than bananas). The blend is subtly tropical and velvety in texture. Mix 1 tsp with a splash of boiling water, then add 1 cup hot or cold milk for a killer latte that has half the caffeine of coffee.


Get it Reach for one of these caffeine alternatives to keep you laser-focused without the jitters—and you’ll reap some unique health benefits.Courtesy Image2. Crio Bru

If you love the routine of pour-over but hate its acidity, reach for Ghana French Roast. Pure ground cacao is roasted and ground just like coffee beans. Give the bag a good huff; the aroma is devilishly good, like an earthier dark chocolate. While brewed cacao is practically caffeine-free, it contains a stimulant called theobromine that delivers a slow burn of energy. It’s also packed with mood-boosting antioxidants. For a robust brew, double the amount of grounds and steep long and hot in a French press.


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MUD/WTRCourtesy Image3. MUD/WTR

For a mindful approach to wakefulness, you can’t beat this blend. Masala chai—aromatic and spicy with cinnamon, cardamom and peppercorns—is an ayurvedic mainstay that sharpens mental acuity. Lion’s mane, cordyceps and reishi mushrooms support immune function and energy. Turmeric and cinnamon lend anti-inflammatory benefits, and cacao improves mood. Pour boiling water over 1 tbsp, then use a frother to whirl it up. Add the brand’s MCT creamer for a touch of sweetness.


Get it Reach for one of these caffeine alternatives to keep you laser-focused without the jitters—and you’ll reap some unique health benefits.Courtesy Image4. Laird Superfood

We’ll drink the Laird Hamilton Kool-Aid— especially when it takes the form of Chai Instafuel. Black and rooibos tea gets married to a zesty chai blend that’s mellowed by the brand’s Original Superfood Creamer, made from coconut milk powder, seaweed-derived calcium, organic coconut sugar and organic extra-virgin coconut oil. The full range of MCT oils promotes energy and satiety. This is indulgent without artificial additives. Add 3 1⁄2 tbsp to 12 oz hot water and mix with a frother.


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Reach for one of these caffeine alternatives to keep you laser-focused without the jitters—and you’ll reap some unique health benefits.Courtesy Image5. Superbolt Tea

Tapping into traditional Chinese medicine, this powerhouse tea is targeted at athletes hoping to feel energized and clearheaded. The caffeine in green, white and Ceylon black teas enhances blood flow to the brain without jacking up your heart rate. Siberian ginseng helps keep you mentally stimulated, yerba maté ups antioxidant levels, and ginger and adaptogen-packed herb schisandra offer immunity support. The flavor is light and herbal. Steep tea bag in boiling water for 5 minutes. Add honey, if desired.

[From $13;]

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