Businessmen on Team-Building Trip Reel in 1,300-Pound Tiger Shark


A group of business men on a ‘team-building’ fishing trip off the coast of South Carolina over the weekend hooked a little more than they bargained for in the form of a 1,300-pound tiger shark

Captain Chip Michalove, who owns Outcast Sport Fishing in Hilton Head, SC, shared photos of the massive catch on the business’ Instagram page. He told USA Today that they fought to reel in the shark for about 90 minutes before they finally brought it up alongside the boat for a brief photo session. 

“If that wasn’t a great team-building exercise, I don’t know what is,” he said. 

While it doesn’t touch the world record of 1,780 pounds set in 1964 (also off the South Carolina coast), it’s still considered an enormous shark. Earlier this summer, the largest tiger shark ever caught in Alabama weighed in at a relatively diminutive 1,000 pounds. 

According to Michalove, this time of year often sees large tiger shark catches in the area. “It seems like every year the largest tiger is always the last two weeks of October,” he said. “Last year we lost an enormous one on Halloween.”

Check out photos of the incredible catch below:

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