John Cena Takes Responsibility for Starting Feud With The Rock


John Cena got candid during a WWE Fastlane press conference about his previous feud with fellow superstar Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

The Wipeout host previously admitted in May that he had been “short-sighted and selfish” for being angry at Johnson for abandoning WWE for Hollywood stardom. In the new interview, Cena said he can “100 percent see and understand” why fans would call him hypocritical for following Johnson’s career trajectory.

“If you’ve been following what I’ve tried to do, especially as of late, publicly and personally to Dwayne Johnson, I’ve stated that although I thought I was trying to do what’s best for business, I went about it the wrong way,” Cena admitted. “ I violated his trust and I made allegations about his perspective that I knew nothing about. And deep down, I was a fan. I wanted The Rock back [in the WWE]. I wanted to do anything to get The Rock back, but I did it the wrong way.”

Cena went on to address the fallout of his remarks: “I didn’t do it the respectful way, so I had to eat a little bit of crow. I had to say ‘I’m sorry and I was wrong,’ because I am sorry and I was wrong, and that’s a very humbling experience. Dwayne is a hell of a guy … I became someone who I despised. I see that perspective and I understand it. It was a great learning experience from my mistake with feuding with The Rock.”

Last month, Cena and Johnson appeared on WWE’s Smackdown to officially put their rivalry to rest. Shaking hands and sharing a hug, Cena welcomed The Rock back home. The current SAG/AFTRA strike means that both men have been able to refocus attention on their first love, professional wrestling, but it won’t last for long.

“I stopped a project in the middle of [production],” Cena confirmed. “As soon as we get back to work, we go back to work. For right now, I think this is the best way I can help—by coming home to my family.”

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