Man Finds Nasty Surprise: 20 Rattlesnakes Infesting His Garage


Arizona is home to a host of dangerous wildlife, including Gila monsters, scorpions, tarantulas, brown recluse and Black Widow spiders, and venomous snakes, including rattlesnakes. Even with beautiful landscapes and a warm climate, it almost makes you question why anyone would choose to live in Arizona.

Case in point, a video recently shared by The Messenger on the platform formerly known as Twitter that features an Arizona homeowner who called a snake removal expert to remove what he believed to be about three Western diamondback rattlesnakes from the garage of his home.

“I would think after 23 years in Arizona, I would be used to this,” said the homeowner in a casual tone that seems to indicate that he is very much used to this. “I try not to panic.”

However, after taking quick a look around, the snake removal expert quickly surmised that there were more than just three snakes in the garage. “There’s a lot of snakes in here,” she told him, in what may be the understatement of the year.

Twenty rattlesnakes were removed from a house in Arizona ?

— The Messenger (@TheMessenger) September 15, 2023

All told, she ended up removing 20—yes, twenty—snakes from the homeowner’s garage, including five adults and 15 babies. It’s believed that the adult female snakes entered the garage to give birth to their young, and that the babies were from two different mothers. And it would have been more, as she determined one of the snakes to be pregnant when she went into the desert to free them. 

According to the Arizona Department of Game & Fish, 13 species of rattlesnakes live in Arizona, more than any other state. The Western diamondback is the largest breed of rattlesnake in the West, and can reach up to 66 inches in length. They are also responsible for more bites and human deaths than any other species of rattlesnake in the country.

On the plus side, at least the venomous reptiles make their presence known, if the sound of a rhumba of 20 angry rattlesnakes in the video wasn’t evidence enough. 

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