Officials Make Disturbing Marine Life Discovery on Docked Cruise Ship

Authorities are conducting an investigation after a 44-foot-long whale was discovered caught on the bow of a cruise ship docked at the Port of Brooklyn.
A MSC Cruises spokesperson told Fox News Digital that the whale was found on the MSC Meraviglia on Saturday, when the ship had docked in Brooklyn before sailing onto its next destination. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration fisheries spokesperson Andrea Gomez said that the whale was identified as a sei whale, which are listed as endangered by the IUCN Red List.
“Sei whales are endangered, and are typically observed in deeper waters far from the coastline. NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement is investigating this incident,” Gomez said, noting that the whale’s right flipper had broken bones and that there was evidence of tissue trauma along its right shoulder blade.
The whale has since been towed to Sandy Hook, NJ, where biologists will conduct a necropsy examination and collect tissue and bone samples to determine whether the whale was still alive or already dead when it was hit.
“We can confirm with deep regret that on Saturday a whale was discovered on the bow of our ship as the vessel approached the port of New York,” said Sidney Sterling, director of media relations for MSC Cruises in a statement. “We immediately notified the relevant authorities, who are now conducting an examination of the whale.”
“We are deeply saddened by the loss of any marine life,” Sterling continued. “We have comprehensive measures in place to help avoid collisions, such as training all our deck officers with the Ocean Research & Conservation Association (ORCA) and we follow regulations designed to protect whales and other marine life.”
Sterling said that the cruise line will often alter itineraries in certain regions to avoid whales, and that the company will continue to evaluate and update procedures with its partners and the authorities.
According to NOAA Fisheries, sei whales are found in subtropical, temperate, and subpolar waters around the world. Due to commercial whaling practices in the 19th and 20th centuries, the global population was decimated, with an estimated 300,000 sei whales killed for their meat and oil.