Ric Flair Actually Had a Heart Attack in His Last Match


With more than half a century in the world of wrestling, Ric Flair is one of the industry’s greats and hasn’t let age slow him down. In July 2022, he competed in what would be last match ever, though he barely made it through the event safely. 

During the match, Flair pretended to have a heart attack, scaring some fans in the audience. It turns out that he actually did have a heart attack, though he didn’t learn about it until late last year. 

In a recent interview on the Jaxxon Podcast, Flair recounted what happened and explained how he learned everything during a routine visit to his doctor after having a pacemaker put in several years ago. 

“It’s two days of three hours of testing, and this is six months ago. The guy takes me in and if you look at your heart like a round pie, there’s a piece of my heart right here, this big, it’s black, it’s gone. The guy said, ‘You’ve had a heart attack in the last two years.’ I said, ‘I never hurt.’ He said, ‘Have you passed out in the last two years?’ And during my last match, I passed out three times, and I thought it was because I was dehydrated,” he said. 

“So I went in the locker room. I was with Kid Rock and [The Undertaker]. I just drank two bottles of Gatorade and went back out to Kid Rock’s place all night long,” he continued. “So that’s how I had a heart attack. It didn’t hurt, no, none. I feel great; that’s my problem.”

While the fight was billed as Flair’s final match ever, he later insisted that he’d never retire. Still, it’s probably safe to say that wrestling well into your seventies might not be the best for your body. 

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