Street Musician’s Piano Smashed by Irate Woman in Viral Clip


A street performer who shared a TikTok of his performance being aggressively interrupted by a woman who slammed his piano to the ground has seen an outpouring of support. He’s also gotten an apology from the perpetrator.

The performer, named Andrew, often shares clips of his street performances in Athens, GA. In this case, his performance of Billy Joel’s “Piano Man” was interrupted when an irate woman came and smashed his keyboard to the ground. The video also claims she took money from his tip jar, although she denied that she stole anything from him.

The scene quickly devolves, with someone off-camera threatening to fight him before bystanders intervened to help him clean up and give him a tip for his trouble.


the piano survived #fyp #crazy

♬ original sound – Andrew

According to TMZ, the woman apologized to Andrew directly. She also made a statement asking the public to stop harassing her family. 

“I’m sorry for everyone that has seen the viral video. I have took accountability for my actions,” she told TMZ. “I know it was wrong and ignorant of me but please keep my family out of it. Y’all problem is with me not my family you don’t get anything out of texting them or me and I have already apologize to the person we have talk.”

Heard added, “Everything is good no I didn’t steal any money, and I didn’t break the piano I’m a human just like you all. Everyone has made mistakes nobody isn’t perfect again I’m sorry, for my actions I’ve seen worse downtown this is nothing compared to what I did and I know it’s not right.”

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