Study Finds This Common Workout Naturally Boosts Testosterone in Men


Studies in the past have found that high-intensity interval training can boost testosterone levels in men. New research published in the Endocrine journal broke down just how effective HIIT is in raising these natural hormones, specifically when it comes to consuming hemp products at the same time. 

The study was designed to look into the effects of HIIT workouts alone as well as when taken in combination with hemp seed. Researchers conducted the study on 48 young sedentary males who were split into four equal groups. One group participated in HIIT and consumed hemp seed, one group did HIIT and was given a placebo, one group was given just hemp seed, and one was a control group. 

For eight weeks, the two HIIT groups worked out three times a week, while those assigned to receive hemp were given two grams of powder daily. In the end, the scientists found that HIIT and hemp seed had varying effects on different health metrics besides total testosterone, such as body mass index, body fat percentage, and muscle mass percentage. “Regular HIIT significant increased total testosterone levels and improved body composition in sedentary young males,” the study authors wrote. 

Related: Testosterone Boosting Foods: 12 Best Foods To Increase Testosterone Levels

The results bear out past research that has supported the claim that HIIT can raise testosterone. A 2021 study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine found that HIIT sessions increased testosterone in males, making it a great way to “enhance general well-being and partly inhibit harmful age-related changes.”

“It is worth using this type of training in adult men because it can positively affect their quality of life and health by physiologically increasing testosterone levels, lowering cortisol, and improving anabolic–catabolic balance and muscle strength,” the authors wrote, noting that HIIT “can act as an alternative or support pharmacotherapy for increasing testosterone levels in men.”

If you’re looking to up your testosterone levels, opt for HIIT instead of endurance workouts. 

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