This Picturesque Golf Course Is Being Destroyed By Wild Javelinas


Golf course vandalism is nothing new, but it’s not every day that the culprit is a herd of wild animals.

That’s exactly what’s happening down in Arizona, where the Sedona-area course Seven Canyons Golf Club is under assault by a herd of boar-like animals called javelinas. Superintendent Em Casey shared footage of the carnage on X (formerly Twitter), which has now gone viral, showing torn up turf and destroyed greens.

Come along with me on my carnage (I mean course) check this morning. What should be one of the most beautiful golf courses in the country is being destroyed by herds of javelina. If anyone has a contact in AZ state govt that can help us find a solution please pass it along.

— Em Casey (@emcaseyturf) October 22, 2023

Javelinas, also known as collared peccaries, resemble a boar or a pig, but are a separate species of animal. They are found throughout South and Central America, as well as U.S. states like Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. They’re known for vicious inter-species fights and for being pests to landscaping in areas where they interact with people. 

In Arizona, the hog-like creatures are classified as a big game species. As such, killing, trapping, or otherwise removing them is against the law. 

Where that leaves the crew at Seven Canyons Golf Club is unclear. But the video of their damage to the course has already sparked a range of opinions online. Casey’s video received more than 12 million views on X, with some commenters giving tips for warding them off while others simply stopped by to express their disdain for golf, especially in the desert. 

In the meantime, golfers beware. Your next tee-off could find you face to face with some unexpected guests.

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