Viral TikTok Challenge Involves Just a Hot Dog and String


Say what you will, but there’s just something unmistakably suggestive about someone being smacked in the face with a hot dog. And that’s also about all you need to kick off a new TikTok challenge.

It’s unclear whether the challenge, which started as party game years ago, has an actual name, but it might as well just be called “hot dog on a string.” To play, all one has to do is tie a string around their waist with the other end tied to a hot dog, and using hip and waist gyrations, attempt to catch the hot dog in their mouth.

The game appeared at leasthandful of times on the popular video-sharing platform over the summer, and dates back earlier than that based on the timestamps on a few older videos that weren’t widely shared. Not shockingly, it’s been a hit with bachelorette parties. In some versions the string is eliminated entirely, and instead another participant just lobs the raw dog into the other catcher’s mouth—which seems unsportsmanlike, if we’re being honest.


giving credit where credit is due

♬ Temperature – Sean Paul

However, one video posted to user @originalvajeen’s account has been widely shared week, in which a handful of women attempted the hot dog challenge in swimsuits, no less. Within two days, the video—set to Sean Paul’s 2005 hit “Temperature,” naturally—has been viewed nearly 100,000 times and seems to only be continuing to pick up steam.


Its harder than it looks ?#hotdogchallenge #campinggames

♬ Candy Shop – 50 Cent

Naturally, like all viral TikTok videos, it didn’t take long for the clip to make its way to the platform formerly known as Twitter, where one parody account joked about China “using TikTok to steal all of our data.”

“China is using TikTok to steal all of our data”

The data:

— Kenny Lay (Parody) (@EnronChairman) September 26, 2023

China should be so lucky to have these secrets, if we’re being honest. This is exactly why America is known as the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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