Wild Video Shows Young Mom Fighting Back Against Armed Biker


Philadelphia police are searching for a motorcycle-riding suspect involved in an attack on a mother who was driving with her children in the car. And the wild altercation was all caught on video by a tourist.

In the incident, which occurred around 9 p.m. on Sunday night just outside of City Hall, a group of bikers and ATV riders swarmed a turning lane. In doing so, one of the bikers sideswiped the car of the victim, 23-year-old Nikki Bullock, who had been delivering Uber Eats orders with her girlfriend and two young children at the time. 

As Bullock began to exchange words with the motorcyclist who hit her, the suspect in the rear hopped off his bike and jumped onto her car, smashing in her rear windshield while her kids sat in the backseat. 

As the suspect jumped back off the car, his firearm fell to the ground as Bullock got our of her vehicle. When she approached him, he briefly pointed the gun at her, and then head butted her with his helmet as she got up in his face. Finally, as he went to get back on his bike, Bullock pushed him and momentarily knocked him over.

WATCH as a tourist aboard top level of a Philadelphia double decker sightseeing bus records on the street next to Philadelphia City Hall. 9pm last night, George Colony from Florida watched helplessly as a male on motorcycle kicked in back windshield where two kids sitting. 1/2 pic.twitter.com/YzCQunfgs1

— Steve Keeley (@KeeleyFox29) October 2, 2023

What the driver of the motorcycle was probably not expecting was for Bullock to fight back. Nor was the tourist—George Colony, who had been visiting from Florida—recording the incident. As of Tuesday morning, police had identified a person of interest, and were in the process of obtaining an arrest warrant. 

“We were arguing back-and-forth because he hit the car, so after that his friend in front of me, he was arguing with me and while I’m arguing with friend he jumped off the bike, jumped on the back of the car and kicked the windshield in,” Bullock later told Fox 29 Philadelphia.

“I didn’t see [the gun] hit the floor at all until he picked it up,” she explained. “He pointed it at me, I couldn’t hear anything he was saying, I was screaming at him.”

“He pointed [the gun] at me and then he put it away and I was like ‘Whatever, shoot me then, you’re not going to shoot me,'” Bullock continued. “And then he head butted me with the helmet and we were just going back-and-forth after that.”

Thankfully, neither Bullock nor her children were hurt during the incident. Since the video went viral, she says that she has gotten several offers from people reaching out to help her pay for a new windshield, as well as several auto glass replacement companies who have lent their services.

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